It’s weigh day

So today is weigh day and it has made me feel like I need to examine myself. Not my weightloss but my view of my weightloss. Why am I so unsatisfied? I lost this week! I’m so happy I lost I really am. I lost 2 lbs. I lost 2 lbs last week too. And the week before. So why does my brain make me feel like this is not good enough?!?! I feel like I should be doing more more more. Now before someone rips me up for being ungrateful please don’t. I know I could have gained each week. I get that. And I didn’t put all this weight on overnight either so I know all this. I just wish I could break one week and maybe lose 3 lbs. I’m working so hard. (insert whine like a 4 year old here) Alright, I’m going to straighten up. This is stupid. 

When I started this 14 weeks ago I weighed 283lbs and today I stepped on the scales and weighed 256lbs. That’s 27lbs lost in 14 weeks…I think that’s pretty damn great! Woohoo!!

Cranking up the 15th week Weight Watchers. 

6 thoughts on “It’s weigh day

  1. I’m that way too. When I think about it in the long haul, I’m like “Wow! They lost 80lbs in a year? That’s crazy!” but then I don’t do the math to figure out that it’s between 1-2lbs a week, if that. Emotions and brains are weird!


  2. I think we all feel like that sometimes, I know I do, i’m losing 1lb a week, haven’t as yet lost more than 1.5lb and I’m ok with that. The positive side is that you are losing consistently and at a really good rate, as a helper at weight watchers that is what is an expected weightloss, they don’t actually want you to lose more than that a week. The chances are at the pace you are doing it, it is more likely to stay off. Look at how far you have come already, if you continue to lose 2lb each week, in a year you could lose 100lb (if you wanted to). Keep up the great work and whine as much as you need to 🙂


  3. You’re doing absolutely brilliantly. I know what you mean though – and just wish it would go a bit faster. It’s amazing how easy it is to put these pounds on – and how much blooming effort it takes to get them off again. But as people keep telling me, steady consistent weight loss while training ourselves to live a healthier lifestyle, means we’re far more likely to succeed. And even more importantly – to keep the weight off once we reach goal. We’ll get there. Thanks for your support over the weekend by the way. I’d hit rock bottom but am back on track now. 🙂

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